Thank you for considering a contribution to the

2025 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal.


Your support will assist the Archdiocese of Hartford to continue its mission of service.

2025 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Update

Amount Pledged = $3,567,052.42
Gifts = 10,366
% of $10M Goal = 35.67%
As of March 21, 2025

See the 2025 AAA Brochure

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Allocation Chart

2024 Final Report

Vicariate Outreach Report 2024

Archbishop’s Annual Appeal – Tuition Grant Essay Contest 

View pdf for 9th & 10th graders | View pdf for 11th & 12th graders

Every year, the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal combines the donations of thousands across the Archdiocese in order to answer the Gospel call of Christ to serve others. In an effort to share the good news about the Appeal’s impact within our Archdiocese and to promote the involvement of our youth in the life of the Church, the Archbishop and the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Pastors’ Advisory Committee invite students who will be entering their Freshman or Sophomore year AND students entering their Junior or Senior in the 2025-2026 school year and will be attending a Catholic high school within the Archdiocese of Hartford to participate in the 2025 AAA Tuition Grant Essay Contest.  Essay Contest Guidelines:

Objectives: Essays will be judged based on how the following questions are addressed by the contestant: 1. Why is it important for me and for all Catholics across the Archdiocese to support the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal? 2. What does “stewardship” mean to me, and how do I practice it in my life? 3. How are people in my community and throughout the Archdiocese impacted by the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal?

1. The Essay should be typed, double spaced, and no more than 500 words in length. 2.The Essay must include a title page that contains the following information: title of essay, name of school, student’s name, current grade, home address, phone number, email address, and parish name. 3.The Essay must be submitted to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Office located at 467 Bloomfield Avenue, Bloomfield, CT 06002, Attention – Essay Contest Committee. Submissions may be made beginning January 1, 2025. Essay submissions must be postmarked no later than April 30, 2025. 4. A committee will review and judge the essays submitted. The winner will be notified by August 1, 2025 and Tuition Grants will be sent directly to the Catholic high schools he/she is attending. 5. To be eligible, essays MUST meet all of the above stated requirements. 6. The author of the top essay will receive a Tuition Grant in the amount of $1,000 towards his/her following year’s high school tuition at a Catholic high school within the Archdiocese of Hartford. 7. The winner & his/her essay may appear in future Archbishop’s Annual Appeal literature. 8. Immediate family members of Archdiocesan employees are not eligible to participate. 9. If a winning student/contestant does not matriculate at a Catholic high school within the Archdiocese for his/her following school year, he/she will automatically forfeit the tuition grant.

1. The Web Site for the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Ministries and various Vicariate Outreach Programs supported by the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal often have their own independent websites. 2. The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Office will be happy to talk with those students writing essays. Tina Poet, Director of the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, can be reached at 1-800-781-2550 or Reverend Jeffrey Romans, PAC Chairman, can be reached at Saint Bridget of Sweden Parish in Cheshire at 203-272-3531. 3. Contact your local priest, pastor, or church office to see how the Appeal may be helping locally. 4. Local newspapers sometimes have wonderful articles about the good works of the Appeal. Many times they refer to the Vicariate Outreach Program and the organizations that have received funding.

2025 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Prayer

Heavenly Father,
we acknowledge you as Lord and
thank you for the many blessings which
You have bestowed upon us.
Grant that our efforts
to lessen the sufferings and needs
of our brothers and sisters
may join us more closely
to one another as a family.
We pray that you will give us
eyes to see those who long for Your love,
ears to hear the cries of those in need,
hearts that grieve with the sorrows of others,
feet to approach those fear,
hands that will offer what we are able to give
to make a difference in the lives of others.
We know, Lord, that You see
not the size of our gifts,
but the love in our heart.
May this Archbishop’s Annual Appeal reflect our
commitment to advance the mission of Your Church.