About Sister Kieran

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So far Sister Kieran has created 388 blog entries.

Deacon Calvin S. Croll

Deacon Calvin S. Croll passed away on March 22, 2024 at the age of 92. Deacon Croll was ordained on December 14, 1979 by Archbishop John F. Whealon, and served at St. Gabriel Church (now part of St. Raphael Parish) until his retirement in 2006. He is survived by his wife June, his 5 [...]

2024-03-25T10:35:50-04:00March 22nd, 2024|

Deacon Paul B. Lauer

Deacon Paul B. Lauer passed away on Tuesday March 12th, 2024, at the age of 85. Deacon Lauer was ordained on December 19, 1980 by Archbishop John F. Whealon, and served at St. Augustine (Seymour), St. Joseph (Ansonia), St. Mary (Milford), Blessed Sacrament, Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Lucy (Waterbury) parishes.  He also [...]

2024-03-14T09:46:07-04:00March 12th, 2024|

Let’s Fast!: Things Get a Little Fishy

On today's 'Lent with the Lord,' Fr. Matt looks at the origins of eating fish on Fridays, and how in the 1960's one enterprising fast food franchisee introduced a menu item for Catholics that remains popular to this day.

2024-02-28T12:28:17-05:00February 28th, 2024|

Lent with the Lord: Let’s Fast!

February 14th is a date that for many will bring to mind fancy meals or heart-shaped boxes filled with delicious chocolates. However, this year, Valentine's Day coincides with Ash Wednesday, the beginning of our Lenten journey — a journey that is marked with fasting and sacrifice. And that is the theme of our [...]

2024-02-14T10:37:36-05:00February 14th, 2024|