Divine Renovation Workshop Draws 15 Parishes Dedicated to Renewal

    Father Diego Jimenez, far right, and his parishioners from All Saints-Todos los Santos Parish in Waterbury discuss their parish’s vision during the “Unlocked” event held last week at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, part of St. Paul VI Parish, in Hamden. During this Divine Renovation ministry workshop, 15 parishes gathered to learn more about [...]

    2024-04-24T11:27:05-04:00April 24th, 2024|

      Exploring God’s Word Together

      PHOTO BY KAREN A. AVITABILEEach Wednesday, the Men’s Fellowship Group at Annunciation Parish in Newington meets for Scripture reading, fellowship and prayer from 6:30 to 8 p.m., in Holy Spirit Church Hall.  Men’s Fellowship Group at Annunciation Parish learns from each other then evangelizes. A group of men at Annunciation Parish in [...]

      2024-04-17T09:16:27-04:00April 17th, 2024|

        Why Pray in Front of the Tabernacle?

        Members of the Tabernacle Society at East Catholic High School spend some quiet time in adoration in front of the tabernacle in the school’s Notre Dame Chapel. Day and night, Our Eucharistic Lord waits for us in the tabernacle. He is a “Prisoner of Love” who is with us “always, until the end [...]

        2024-04-03T08:42:43-04:00April 3rd, 2024|

          Connecticut March for Life to Encompass Mass, Rally, March and Advocacy

          Pro-life advocates march through Bushnell Memorial Park in Hartford during last year’s Connecticut March for Life. Story by Shelley Wolf  |  Photos by Aaron Joseph Next week, thousands of pro-life advocates will be descending on Hartford for the third annual Connecticut March for Life. The action-packed schedule for the day will include [...]

          2024-03-13T06:56:16-04:00March 13th, 2024|