Greetings from Archbishop Coyne
Archbishop Coyne extends his gratitude for everyone's well wishes on his first official day as Archbishop, and invites all to his inaugural Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph this Sunday, May 5th, at 11 AM.
Archbishop Coyne extends his gratitude for everyone's well wishes on his first official day as Archbishop, and invites all to his inaugural Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph this Sunday, May 5th, at 11 AM.
Auxiliary Bishop Juan Miguel Betancourt, SEMV offers his message of Welcome to Archbishop Coyne.
The Charismatic Prayer Group at St. John XXIII Parish in West Haven meets weekly on Wednesdays in the church hall of St. John Vianney Church for silent meditation, praise, worship Scripture reading, sharing and fellowship. Dolores Libow, left, facilitates the group. Other members are Gail Belanger, center, and Lena Carbone. “We are doing [...]
Father Diego Jimenez, far right, and his parishioners from All Saints-Todos los Santos Parish in Waterbury discuss their parish’s vision during the “Unlocked” event held last week at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, part of St. Paul VI Parish, in Hamden. During this Divine Renovation ministry workshop, 15 parishes gathered to learn more about [...]
PHOTO BY KAREN A. AVITABILEEach Wednesday, the Men’s Fellowship Group at Annunciation Parish in Newington meets for Scripture reading, fellowship and prayer from 6:30 to 8 p.m., in Holy Spirit Church Hall. Men’s Fellowship Group at Annunciation Parish learns from each other then evangelizes. A group of men at Annunciation Parish in [...]
Valerie St. Jean, archdiocesan coordinator of Adult & Family Life Ministries, poses outside of her office at the Pastoral Center in Bloomfield. Story and Photo by Shelley Wolf When Valerie St. Jean hears the word “vocation,” she thinks of every person’s call from God. Each of us is being called to service, [...]
Members of the Tabernacle Society at East Catholic High School spend some quiet time in adoration in front of the tabernacle in the school’s Notre Dame Chapel. Day and night, Our Eucharistic Lord waits for us in the tabernacle. He is a “Prisoner of Love” who is with us “always, until the end [...]
On today's 'Lent with the Lord,' Fr. Matt gets very distracted ... don't we all sometimes?
The Cathedral Schola Cantorum joins parishioners in singing prayers and hymns that feature the word “Alleluia” during last year’s Easter Mass at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford. Story by Shelley Wolf | Photos by Aaron Joseph Have you ever noticed that the liturgical seasons affect the use of the word “Alleluia”? [...]