Archbishop Christopher J. Coyne Directs $75,000 in Funding to Food Banks Serving Flooded Areas of the Archdiocese of Hartford 

At the direction of Archbishop Christopher J. Coyne, the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal has issued three emergency grants totaling $75,000 to food banks serving areas impacted by Sunday’s flooding. $25,000 each has been granted to the Seymour – Oxford Food Bank, Southbury Food Bank, and Ecumenical Food Bank in Naugatuck.  Robert Farnum, Treasurer of the Seymour [...]

2024-08-22T11:11:09-04:00August 22nd, 2024|

Message from Archbishop Blair on “Fiducia Supplicans”

Much has been made in the news recently about the Church’s conferral of blessings. A report appeared not too long ago saying that the Church would not withhold blessings of unwed mothers. This was no news to me. Since when, I thought, has the Church refused to bless a woman who was an unwed [...]

2023-12-22T12:53:23-05:00December 21st, 2023|

Meet Coadjutor Archbishop Christopher J. Coyne

The Archdiocese of Hartford welcomed The Most Reverend Christopher J. Coyne as Coadjutor Archbishop of Hartford at a Solemn Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph on October 9, 2023. Read below to learn about our new Coadjutor Archbishop. Biography Archbishop Coyne is an uncle to 11 nieces and nephews. Through the gift of [...]

2023-10-12T12:37:51-04:00October 12th, 2023|

Possibility of Eucharistic Miracle in Thomaston being reviewed

As people of faith we know that miracles can and do happen, as they did during Christ’s earthly ministry. Miracles are divine signs calling us to faith or to deepen our faith. Roman Catholics experience a daily miracle because every time Mass is celebrated what was bread becomes the Body of Christ and what [...]

2023-03-28T16:27:33-04:00March 28th, 2023|