Encounter Christ. Discover yourself. Grow in holiness.
A ministry to men and women who experience same-sex attractions and those who love them.
Courage International is a Catholic network of confidential support groups for men and women who experience same-sex attraction and seek to live chaste lives in Christ.
Courage International also sponsors separate confidential support groups called “EnCourage” for those who seek to gain greater understanding and acceptance of their loved-one’s same-sex attraction, while honoring chastity.
The Courage ministry holds regularly scheduled Courage and EnCourage meetings within the Archdiocese of Hartford. For more information, contact Father E. Gutierrez, Chaplain.
Courage – for those experiencing same-sex attraction
Courage Chapter: Hartford, Connecticut
Contact: Father E. Gutierrez, Chaplain
Email: fr.gutierrez@aohct.org
EnCourage – for family members etc. of those experiencing same-sex attraction
EnCourage Chapter: Hartford, Connecticut
Contact: Father Michael Englert, OFM Conv., Chaplain
Email: friarairmj@yahoo.com