The Public Health Committee of the CT General Assembly will be holding a public hearing this Monday, March 18, 2019 at 10:30 a.m.regarding physician-assisted suicide (Bill number: HB 5898 An Act Concerning Aid in Dying for Terminally Ill Patients).
The CT Catholic Conferences strongly opposes HB 5898; and is asking others to do the same in the following ways:
- By Sat., March 16th, 12:00Noon – Submit writtentestimony –in PDF or Word format only – via email to
- On Mon., March 18
8:00 AM – Sign up in the 1stfloor atrium of the Legislative Office Building (LOB) to present oraltestimony.
10:30 AM** – Public Hearing begins in LOB Room 1D - Starting today (thru next Fri., 3/22), please call the Public Health Committee at 860-240-0560 to “express opposition to HB 5898.”
- Please also email and call your state legislators directly to express opposition to HB 5898. Legislator contact information can be located using the ctcatholic.orgwebsite.
** If people plan to testify in person, and/or show support in numbers by coming to view the hearing in person, they should expect a long day (which could go as late as midnight).