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Mary, Gate of Heaven Parish Pro-Life Committee and the Knights of Columbus Council #26  will co-sponsor the annual parish Mass for Life on Monday, January 20, 2025 at 6:00PM, St. Robert Church, Windsor Locks, CT.

January 22 marks the fifty-second anniversary of the outrageous decision by the United States Supreme Court to  legalize abortion. Roe v Wade has caused the excruciating deaths of 63.5 million+ (63,459,781) (Lifenews) unborn babies since 1973.

Prior to  Mass, there will be a recitation of the rosary starting at 5:30PM to pray for an end to the scourge of abortion in our state, nation and throughout the world.

Our committee has invited Fr. Michael Ruminski, Pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Bloomfield, CT to be the main celebrant. Father Mike will concelebrate mass with our pastor Fr. Tim O’Brien and will be our speaker following the mass.

The evening will conclude with light refreshments in adjacent St. Robert’s Hall. For more information, please contact Regina Klundt, PLC Coordinator at (860) 752-0149. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!