On April 13, the New England Catholic Biblical School invites you to join Shroud of Turin experts: Dr. Cheryl White and Father Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D, as they discuss the theological, historical, scientific and forensic issues surrounding a cloth that bears the mysterious image of a man who has been scourged, crucified, capped with thorns, and pierced in the right side. The “Mysteries of the Shroud of Turin” program will be held from 12 to 3:30 p.m. at Albertus Magnus College’s Behan Community Room on the Hubert Campus Center, 700 Prospect St., New Haven. Seating is limited. Call 860.242.5573 for more information or to register, or visit www.catholicedaohct.org/catholic-biblical-school and click on the ‘events’ tab.

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