Men’s Fellowship Group at Annunciation Parish learns from each other then evangelizes.
A group of men at Annunciation Parish in Newington are more than colleagues, co-workers or even prayer friends. They consider themselves “brothers” who
communicate daily, beginning as early at 4:30 a.m., and then meet weekly to share Scripture and to seek fellowship.
“I realized God wanted me to do something,” says Angelo Marchetti, a husband and father of four children who formed the Men’s Fellowship Group in January 2020. “There was something missing. I just wasn’t getting enough faith.”
He approached then-pastor Shawn Daly to discuss organizing a men’s-only group for like-minded men to freely discuss their faith, pray for each other’s special intentions and communicate any other issues they may be experiencing throughout everyday life.
“We put it in the bulletin and passed out flyers,” Marchetti says of getting the word out.
The number of men attending weekly meetings has grown from three to upwards of 20. At each meeting, the men study Scripture and then apply it in their own lives. Occasionally, a speaker gives a presentation. Or, the men recite a litany.
Before Thanksgiving and during Lent, the group coordinates a rosary ministry open to all parishioners. Throughout the year, the men may be asked to assist with other parish ministries when needed.
Crediting the group with having “great insights,” Deacon James Blanchette says his weekend homilies may be based on points of view expressed during meetings. “I come in and pick their brains,” he says. “I want to hear what they have to say. They may have different perspectives.”
Striving to be a “good husband and father” was the impetus for Jun Napuli to join the Men’s Fellowship Group four years ago. “We learn to pray and that’s what we are trying to teach our kids,” he says. “Coming here is very important. I want to be a good husband and father like you guys.”
Last spring, Joe Beckerman, who is of the Jewish faith, started attending meetings after learning about the Men’s Fellowship Group from Marchetti. “I come for the comradery, fellowship, discussion and the understanding you get from it,” he says.
Dan Wolferman was looking to get involved with the parish. He attended his first meeting a year ago. “I think it’s important for people to hear other stories and what people have gone through,” he says.
For Claudio Ballestas, participating in the group leads him to evangelizing. “Hopefully, we can get people to know Jesus better through the people we meet every day,” he says.
Member Frank McGoldrick usually kicks off daily devotions for the Men’s Fellowship Group early each morning through the WhatsApp. In this thread, the men learn about the saint of the day, Bible quotations, Scripture readings, special prayers, devotions and reflections from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Sometimes, the men ask their brothers to pray for a family member or friend who is ill or experiencing loss. He says he joined because he was trying to find a “centeredness” around Christ.
“I like it because it’s a diverse group with a lot of different backgrounds and charisms that they bring,” McGoldrick adds.
Reading scripture, Annunciation Parish Parochial Vicar Joseph Pullikattil says, is very beneficial to the human person. “It lightens their mind,” he says. “They are very prayerful.”
The Men’s Fellowship Group at Annunciation Parish in Newington meets Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8 p.m., in Holy Spirit Church Hall. For more information, call Angelo Marchetti at 860.202.1612.