Church law calls for the existence of a tribunal in every diocese of the world. The Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Hartford is a staff of specially trained and experienced priests, religious and lay persons who offer assistance to parties who have reason to doubt the validity of their marriage. The Tribunal then investigates the marriage, and, on completion of the investigation, declares whether or not invalidity has been proved.

What is Marriage?
The Catholic Church teaches that marriage is, by God’s plan, an enduring and exclusive partnership between a man and a woman for the giving and receiving of love and for the procreation and education of children. From a marriage properly celebrated arises a bond between the spouses which by its very nature is perpetual and exclusive.

For those who have been baptized, a valid marriage is also a sacrament. The Catholic Church also teaches that every sacramental marriage that has been consummated is indissoluble. This is in accord with the Sacred Scriptures and centuries of Catholic tradition.

How is a declaration of nullity possible?
A declaration of nullity does not deny that a wedding took place or that a relationship existed, nor does it imply malice or moral fault. It is a statement by the Church that, from the very outset, the relationship lacked one of the elements which are essential to marriage.

Further, there are absolutely no civil implications in this country to a declaration of nullity by the Church. It does not affect in any manner the legitimacy of children, property rights, inheritance rights, names, etc. It is simply a declaration from the Catholic Church that a particular union was, in fact, an invalid union. There is no attempt in the investigation to impute guilt or to punish persons.

How to Petition for an Annulment

Below are online versions of our applications and forms to download and print:

Petition for Declaration of Nullity of a Marriage
Application for Marriage Nullity
Application for Marriage Nullity – Spanish
Please mail the completed application to the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Hartford, 467 Bloomfield Avenue, Bloomfield, CT 06002.

Petition for Declaration of Invalidity due to Lack of Form:
Petition for a Declaration of Invalidity due to Lack of Form (Canon 1108)
Please Note:  The Petition for a Declaration of Invalidity due to Lack of Form must be filled out with your parish priest, who will then mail it to the Metropolitan Tribunal.

Judicial Vicar – Rev. George S. Mukuka, J.C.L., Ph.D.
Judge – Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Barry, J.C.D.
Judge – Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, J.C.L.
Judge – Rev. John Vizza, J.C.L.
Judge – Justin M. Wachs, J.C.D.
Defender of the Bond – Rev. Joshy John, J.C.O.D.
Secretary and Notary – Linda E. Warks

To contact the Metropolitan Tribunal:

Metropolitan Tribunal
Archdiocese of Hartford
Pastoral Center
467 Bloomfield Ave.
Bloomfield, CT 06002-2999
860-541-6309 fax