The Office of Radio & Television’s mission is to evangelize, educate, inform and inspire through the use of all available modern communications media. The Office of Radio & Television is dedicated to spreading the Word and “Good News” of God’s love and compassion to all.
The Office of Radio & Television accomplishes this mission by providing values oriented programs of professional quality to all in the archdiocesan family and to listeners and viewers throughout Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York. In January 2009, the operations of the archdiocesan owned radio station WJMJ-FM were merged into the Office of Radio & Television. Combined, our radio and television programs and 24/7 radio broadcasts reach millions of people, both Catholics and non-Catholics, alike, throughout Connecticut, central and southern Massachusetts and portions of New York.

Since November 1987, under the direction of Fr. John P. Gatzak, the office’s fourth director, the Office of Radio & Television has grown to provide access to all archdiocesan events and news worthy Church information to Connecticut’s major radio and television stations and networks.
Established in 1953, the Office of Radio & Television was originally an agency of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut. Msgr. John P. Wodarski was appointed as its first director to meet the demands for a diocesan representative to the media in Connecticut. As the importance and influence of mass media grew upon society and the Church, so did the mission of the Office of Radio & Television. Today, ORTV, Inc. operates as an affiliated corporation of the Archdiocese and encompasses the operations of the Office of Radio & Television and WJMJ Radio.
The Office of Radio & Television produces live and recorded, daily and weekly radio and television programs that are broadcast on WJMJ-FM, WTIC-AM, and WCCT-TV.

The Celebration of the Eucharist.
The daily Mass is broadcast live Monday through Friday and on tape delay on Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m. on WCCT-TV.
860-242-8800 in the Hartford area
203-758-7367 in the Waterbury/New Haven area
877-342-5956 toll free to use outside the local calling areas
203-758-7371 fax