The Office of Seminarians and Vocations Welcomes You
The Archdiocese of Hartford welcomes inquiries from young men seeking to serve the Church as priests. We also would like to help direct those men and women in discerning a vocation in the consecrated life as a religious sister or brother.

Father Anthony Federico is the Director of Vocations & Seminarians. He promotes the priesthood throughout the Archdiocese and walks with men who are discerning their vocation. His discernment program focuses on growing in interior freedom and putting together a prayer life in which one can hear the voice of the Lord as he calls us to serve him.
The Office of Seminarians and Vocations for the Archdiocese of Hartford is committed to fostering quality, faithful, and lasting vocations to the priesthood. To this end, the men in our formation program must be committed disciples of Jesus Christ willing to form their lives in His likeness. St. John Vianney says, “The priest is first of all a man of prayer.” Our vocation program places priority on daily prayer. As our world becomes more materialistic and secular, the people of God need priests who, by word and example, promote the universal call to holiness which is born out of a devoted prayer life, centered in Sacred Scripture and Eucharistic oblation. Authentic devotion to the Blessed Mother is essential as well, because it leads men in the path of her divine Son.
The Office of Seminarians and Vocations gives full loyalty to the Church, namely the Holy Father, the bishops, and in particular our own bishop. It is our pledge to adhere to all the teachings of the Church. Those who would be priests must believe in the value and gift of celibacy. We make no apologies for celibacy. It is a prophetic sign of God’s Kingdom. As the Church has been plagued recently by scandal internally and persecution externally, there are many who see celibacy as the problem. It is just the opposite. For those who are called to be priests, celibacy is not the problem but a great aid to pursuing the life of holiness. A man who aspires to priesthood must radically conform his life to the life of Jesus Christ who did not marry but gave himself totally to his heavenly Father for the sake of the Kingdom.

The Office of Seminarians and Vocations believes in a formation process that develops the entire person. Potential candidates must undergo a physical and psychological examination. The primary purpose of this is to help determine the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate. It will also help to place the seminarian in the proper academic setting. Our seminarians will be challenged spiritually, academically, personally, and pastorally so as to be ready for the grace of ordination and embracing the challenge of living the diocesan priesthood faithfully and fruitfully.
God is calling men to the priesthood. Are you one of them? The noise and distractions of our culture can cause a spiritual deafness. The Office of Seminarians and Vocations would like to help you hear God’s voice and discern His will for your life. If you think God is calling you the time to act is now!
Office of Seminarians and Vocations
467 Bloomfield Avenue
Bloomfield, CT 06002-2999
860-761-7456 Fax: 860-243-0661