The Respect Life Office serves the Archdiocese of Hartford by promoting a culture of life. Human life is precious and entitled to protection from conception through natural death. This ministry offers programs of education that promote the preciousness of human life and raise awareness of the hurtful impact of abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, the death penalty, assisted suicide, and embryonic stem cell research.
March for Life
For several years the Respect Life Office has sponsored buses to the March for Life in Washington, D.C. and reached out to the Catholic high schools for students to participate. Generally buses leave the day before the March in order to participate at the Opening Vigil Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. The day of the March, a Mass is offered for all in the hotel in D.C. where the Pilgrim group is staying.

Respect Life Mass and St. Gianna Molla Awards
In October the Respect Life Office plans a Mass for Respect Life Month at the Cathedral of St. Joseph where Archbishop Blair offers Mass on a Sunday and presents the St. Gianna Molla Pro-Life Award to individuals who serve the mission of pro-life in their respective parish or program. During January the Archbishop offers Mass at the Cathedral to pray for those who suffer because of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in our country.
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats
The Respect Life Office offers the Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat three times a year in the Archdiocese for mothers and fathers who suffer from choosing abortion. The next retreat is February 7-9, 2025 in Litchfield, Connecticut. Please contact Marie, retreat coordinator, at 203-631-9030 for more information.

Email Alerts
The Respect Life Office sends e-mail alerts whenever breaking news relating to life issues occurs in the General Assembly or in the U.S. Congress requesting voters to express their opinion by contacting their state or federal legislators.
40 Days for Life, Promoting Pro-Life Services, Prayer
The Respect Life Office fosters pastoral programs for women and men, e.g., Project Rachel and pregnancy crisis centers; advocates for public policies that support human life; coordinates the archdiocesan participation in 40 Days for Life; and provides opportunities for liturgy and prayer with the theme of the inherent dignity of the human person.

See more information about Respect Life Ministry.
Reverend Glen Dmytryszyn, Director
Sister Suzanne Gross, F.S.E., Program Coordinator
Sister Amaris Salata, F.S.E., Assistant Coordinator
Marie Laffin, Facilitator, Rachel Vineyard Retreats
Janice Hunter, Program Assistant
To contact the Respect Life Office:
Sister Suzanne Gross, F.S.E., Program Coordinator
271 Finch Avenue
Meriden, CT 06451
203-639-1333 fax
Web site:
See information on Pro-Life Activities of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.