God is calling new vocations to the priesthood, religious life and the diaconate.
Are you one of them?
The Archdiocese of Hartford welcomes inquiries from men seeking to serve the Church as priests or deacons and from men and women who are discerning a vocation to the consecrated life as a religious brother or sister.
God is calling men to the priesthood. The Office of Vocations can help you hear God’s voice and discern His will for your life. If you think God is calling you the time to act is now! To talk about a priestly vocation, contact Fr. Anthony Federico, Vocation Director, 860-761-7456. See hartfordpriest.com.

Consecrated Women and Men Religious
Consecrated religious life is a life of dedication lived in community according to the specific charism of the particular community. Consecrated religious men and women profess vows of chastity, poverty and obedience.
Discerning a vocation to religious life can be an exciting, prayerful, and sometimes confusing process. For guidance in discernment, and to learn more about this way of life, contact Sister Barbara Mullen, CSJ at the Office for Religious, 860-541-6491, who will welcome your questions.
See the communities of men and women religious who serve within the Archdiocese of Hartford.
Permanent Deacons
Permanent deacons are single or married men, who are ordained by the archbishop to carry out a mission of service. The deacon’s ministry includes ministry of the liturgy, of the word and of charity. Deacons carry out their ministry in parishes and in special missions within the archdiocese. If you are considering a call to the permanent diaconate, contact the Office of the Diaconate at 860-242-5573 ext 7447 to find out more about this special vocation, its mission and the program of formation. More>