Day and night, Our Eucharistic Lord waits for us in the tabernacle. He is a “Prisoner of Love” who is with us “always, until the end of the age.” (Mt 28:20b) Having access to the Lord in the tabernacle becomes a fourfold source of grace: He calls people with His grace; He blesses with His Presence; He gives divine assistance; and He blesses others as a result of everyone’s prayers.
Six members of the Tabernacle Society at East Catholic High School in Manchester were asked, “What draws you to the chapel during the day to pray in front of Our Lord in the Tabernacle?” Their responses follow.
“What draws me to the chapel during the day to pray in front of Our Lord in the Tabernacle, is the longing for a time to rewind and center myself in front of Our Lord. Throughout the school day, I go from one place to the next, without a moment to rest. Having the privilege to take time out of my busy schedule, to sit in the presence of Jesus Christ is something I truly value.” — Anna Chomick, Grade 12
“During the day I almost always find the time to go to the Tabernacle and pray. I believe that daily prayer is a constant reminder of who I want to be. In addition to this, it is calming to pause my school day and focus on something spiritual. We have built a strong foundation for our Tabernacle Society and I know, without doubt, that I will see friends of mine in the chapel when I arrive.” — Callum Smith, Grade 10
“The main thing that draws me to the Tabernacle is it helps me calm down and be more relaxed. We meet to pray in the middle of our school day and it helps me step back away from all the work and studying and focus on God. Going to the Tabernacle has helped me connect closer to Jesus and is continuing to help me learn how to pray.” — Nathan Wright, Grade 10
“I’m drawn to the chapel, where I kneel before the Tabernacle, strengthening my connection with my faith. This sacred space lets me express gratitude, seek guidance, and commune with Jesus. Praying there allows me to self-reflect, offering a sanctuary to surrender my sins and enrich my spiritual journey. The calmness of the chapel enhances the quiet atmosphere, providing a haven for thinking deeply and fostering a deeper understanding of my spiritual path.” — Madilynn Skehan, Grade 9
“I go to the chapel during the day to pray in front of Our Lord in the Tabernacle because I find the presence of God in a specific, designated, space to be peaceful and comforting. I believe that anything I am carrying internally, and bring to God, is dissolved as He hears my uneasiness and takes care of it. Every time I go to pray, I feel that my relationship with Him grows stronger. — Reneé Carras, Grade 10
“What brings me to the chapel? The beginning of this year, I felt like I was in need of a deeper connection with my faith. I heard from classmates who had been going, that it felt very relieving. And now that I’ve gone I can’t agree more. I love the feeling of family once you enter the chapel. The day is much more peaceful after praying for the day. It is a chance to wind down and focus on Jesus.” –– Simon Siebert, Grade 10