Linda and Bob McGurn, left, facilitate the Spiritual Gifts Ministry at St. Mary Parish in Simsbury, while Michael LeConche, right, is a graduate of their course. The ministry helps people discover their spiritual gifts and use them in personal ministry.

Story and Photos by Shelley Wolf

Though Michael LeConche attended Mass at St. Mary Parish in Simsbury for more than 30 years, he never made time to participate in parish life. “I was wearing the Christian jersey but I wasn’t quite ready to be put in the game,” he recalls.

In 2022, he spotted an ad in his parish bulletin for a short course, “Discovering God’s Vision for Your Life,” sponsored by the parish’s Spiritual Gifts Ministry.

LeConche was intrigued. Working in the field of human resources, he was getting close to retirement. He also wanted to connect with his faith community and his parish priest. “I wanted to be a known member of my congregation, not just taking up space,” he says.

So he took the course, and it moved him to action.

“What are my true gifts? As a human resource director, you think you know,” LeConche says. “The course reaffirmed some gifts, but it opened my eyes to other areas. Rather than be a manager and organizer, I can be more charitable, listen and be supportive.”

This fall, he is planning to join the parish’s Stephen Ministry, for which he will become certified to accompany people through any of life’s many challenges. “It’s carrying the cross, helping those who have needs,” he explains.

LeConche is one of more than 80 parishioners in the archdiocese who have taken “Discovering God’s Vision for Your Life,” an eight-hour course facilitated by Linda and Bob McGurn, leaders of the Spiritual Gifts Ministry at St. Mary Parish.

Linda, with assistance from Bob, offers the workshop in the spring at St. Mary’s and in the fall at St. Therese Parish in Granby.

The Spiritual Gifts Ministry, developed by the national Stephen Ministries, was created to help people learn about the spiritual gifts, discern their gifts, and apply them in fulfilling personal ministry.

“I do think it is producing fruit in those who participate,” says Father Stephen Sledesky, pastor of St. Mary Parish. “They become much more engaged in the parish and in areas where their gifts can be used.”

Many who have taken the course report joining the choir, working in bereavement ministry or joining a men’s group.

Others have gone farther afield. They’ve signed up for the New England Catholic Biblical School in Bloomfield, are teaching English as a second language in Hartford, teaching Bible study in a prison or are volunteering for the Little Sisters of the Poor in Enfield.

“And that’s just the people who have told us,” Linda says.

The couple stresses that the course is not a recruiting tool. “The biggest point of identifying gifts for people is to empower them in their individual ministries, wherever they are serving,” Bob says.

The course touches on 16 Biblical themes, such as discipleship, encouragement, humility and servanthood. It also explores 20 Gifts of the Spirit, which are not revealed until after students fill out a questionnaire, known as the Haugk Spiritual Gifts Inventory.

Students perform five exercises that provide further clues about each person’s gifts. For instance, they are asked to think about the top five people they admire and why they admire them.

Workbooks and books provide basic and supplemental reading.

“At the end, we meet with each person one-on-one,” Linda says. By then, some students already have an idea of what they would like to do. She points others to parish ministries where they might serve and find fulfillment.

LeConche adds, “Coming out of the Spiritual Gifts workshop, I realized that one person can make a difference. But it’s the combination of the talents of the community that advances God’s plan.”

Parishioner Michael LeConche has found greater fulfillment by serving in the choir, on the finance council and in the gardens. Next, he hopes to accompany others through the Stephen Ministry.

Linda and Bob McGurn are also offering the course at St. Therese Parish in Granby.