Story and Photos by Karen A. Avitabile
For more than 40 years, the Social Concerns Ministry of Our Lady of Hope Parish in Harwinton and New Hartford has been reaching out to others who are in need of assistance.
About 20 ministry members work tirelessly year-round to organize fundraisers and collections that aid dozens of agencies working directly with clients in the surrounding communities.
“I think there is a need for this group and I feel I should be doing my part,” says Social Concerns Ministry member and organizer Joanne Levesque. “Everybody does a little something.”
The ministry began at Immaculate Heart of Mary in Harwinton and expanded into Immaculate Conception in New Hartford after both churches formed Our Lady of Hope Parish.
Co-chairwomen Levesque and Marilyn Roy regularly call and email regional agencies that benefit from their existing ministry collections to see if they can help further. “We check to see if there are any changes in what we can provide for them prior to each collection,” Levesque says.
Earlier this year, one of those calls was made to Friendly Hands Food Bank Inc. in Torrington, the largest food bank in northwest Connecticut that has been fighting food insecurity for more than 30 years.
Although the Social Concerns Ministry regularly donates food to Friendly Hands through parishioner contributions, its members took up a first-time collection in May to provide clothing as well.
Eight carloads of clothing were collected at Our Lady of Hope Parish and dropped off at Friendly Hands. The clothing was distributed to food bank clients.
“Our Lady of Hope Parish gives us food, gift cards, gifts for clients and now clothes,” says Friendly Hands Executive Director Karen Thomas. “Its Social Concerns Ministry is already one of our biggest contributors of food.”
On a weekly basis, the Social Concerns Ministry runs its own food pantry and accepts monetary donations to be passed on. “I think we help to serve a variety of people who may or may not be helped,” says food pantry organizer Leah Schatz, a member of the Social Concerns Ministry for the past 12 years.
Schatz says she personally understands the value of helping others. “I didn’t grow up with a lot and this makes me feel like I’m helping,” she says. “It gives me a sense of peace.”
Additional activities undertaken by the Social Concerns Ministry include: assembling Easter baskets; collecting monetary donations and baby items for pregnancy centers; providing turkey dinners and clothing to homeless shelters; overseeing a Christmas collection through a giving tree; and running toiletry drives.
“Parishioners donate so generously at each collection,” Levesque says. “I am very proud of our ministry here at Our Lady of Hope.”
The Social Concerns Ministry at Our Lady of Hope Parish holds monthly meetings from March to June, and October through December. New members are welcome. To get involved with the ministry, its activities or to make a donation, call Our Lady of Hope Parish at 860.379.5215.