Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am happy to announce that the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal for 2019 is dedicated to the theme “Sharing the Joy of the Gospel for Generations.”
“Sharing” reminds us of a fundamental truth of our faith—that it is “more blessed to give than to receive.” In the 6th chapter of Mark’s Gospel Jesus feeds thousands of people who came to hear him, but he does not do so out of thin air. Rather, he miraculously multiplies what the disciples have brought to him; namely, a few loaves and fish. A little in the right hands, given in faith, can work miracles.
“The Joy of the Gospel” We like to speak of happiness, but Jesus in the Gospel speaks at a deeper level about joy—a joy that the world cannot give. The joy of the Gospel is the joy of knowing, loving and serving the God we cannot see by knowing, loving and serving the neighbor we can see. Jesus says, “What you do to the least of these you do to me.” So whether it’s acts of spiritual, moral or material mercy that we carry out in Christ’s name, we can be assured of receiving the gift of joy that He alone can give.
“…for Generations” Today, more than ever, we recognize that people of every age group have need of the spiritual and material healing that the ministry of the Church provides. Pope Francis says we must be “a field hospital for the wounded,” despite the Church’s own wounds resulting from sin. And in the Church herself, we are challenged to engage the younger generation in continuing and furthering our charitable mission.
The 2019 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal presents us with a unique opportunity to combine all of our individual gifts in order to accomplish even more together as one family of faith.
I invite you to share generously of your time, talent, and treasure that God has bestowed on you, so together we can enrich, nurture, and foster the spiritual, moral and material well-being of individuals, families, and communities throughout Hartford, New Haven, and Litchfield Counties.

The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair
Archbishop of Hartford
Amount Pledged = $9,784,946.92
Gifts = 35,013
% of $10M Goal = 97.85%%
as of December 27, 2019
The 2019 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
Sharing the Joy of the Gospel for Generations
2019 Funds Allocation Projection
Progress Reports
Progress Report for Northern Vicariate
Progress Report for Southern Vicariate
Progress Report for Western Vicariate
See the 2019 AAA Brochures
Operations Manual
Operational Manual 2019
Thank you for considering a contribution to the
2019 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal.
Your support will assist the Archdiocese of Hartford to continue its mission of service
2019 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Prayer
Heavenly Father, Your goodness is without measure, and your gifts exceed all that we could ask or imagine. We ask you to look kindly upon this year’s Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, “Sharing the Joy of the Gospel for Generations.” Inspire us to share your divine mercy with one another and to give as generously as we have received from you. We offer our gifts as a true act of faith that reflects our love for you and for our neighbor. May every person who benefits materially and spiritually as a result give praise and thanks where it is due, to you, Heavenly Father, the author of all that is good, to your beloved son Jesus Christ our Redeemer, and to the Holy Spirit, the bond of unity and love, One God, living and reigning forever and ever. Amen.