Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Thanks to the generosity of donors to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal our Church is able to provide much needed assistance to thousands of people each year. By uniting our efforts as an Archdiocesan family of faith we serve people in ways above and beyond what any one parish or organization could accomplish alone. We are truly Stronger Together, which is the theme of the Appeal for 2022.
Stronger Together is not just a description of our charitable outreach, but also our unity in Christ whenever we hear His Word and receive Him in Holy Communion at Mass. Mass sends us forth Stronger Together to put our faith into practice by loving God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves. Living our faith means helping others spiritually and materially, caring for our elderly and sick, sheltering the homeless and feeding our hungry. And it means providing spiritual care in a wounded world.
Please share generously the time, talent, and treasure that God has given you, so that together we can meet the challenge of helping provide
for the spiritual and material well-being of individuals, families, and communities throughout Hartford, New Haven, and Litchfield Counties.
This brochure illustrates just some of the ways that Stronger Together can make a difference in the life of our Church and our communities, taking to heart the words of St. Paul, that we “pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another” (Rom 14:19).
God bless you.
The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair
Archbishop of Hartford

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Thanks to the generosity of donors to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal our Church is able to provide much needed assistance to thousands of people each year. By uniting our efforts as an Archdiocesan family of faith we serve people in ways above and beyond what any one parish or organization could accomplish alone. We are truly Stronger Together, which is the theme of the Appeal for 2022.
Stronger Together is not just a description of our charitable outreach, but also our unity in Christ whenever we hear His Word and receive Him in Holy Communion at Mass. Mass sends us forth Stronger Together to put our faith into practice by loving God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves. Living our faith means helping others spiritually and materially, caring for our elderly and sick, sheltering the homeless and feeding our hungry. And it means providing spiritual care in a wounded world.
Please share generously the time, talent, and treasure that God has given you, so that together we can meet the challenge of helping provide
for the spiritual and material well-being of individuals, families, and communities throughout Hartford, New Haven, and Litchfield Counties.
This brochure illustrates just some of the ways that Stronger Together can make a difference in the life of our Church and our communities, taking to heart the words of St. Paul, that we “pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another” (Rom 14:19).
God bless you.
The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair
Archbishop of Hartford

Annual Appeal at Work
2022 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
Amount Pledged = $9,141,479.54
Gifts = 31,186
% of $10M Goal = 91.41%
as of December 31, 2022
Vicariate Progress Reports
Vicariate Outreach Reports

See the 2022 AAA Brochure
Thank you for considering a contribution to the
2022 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal.
Your support will assist the Archdiocese of Hartford to continue its mission of service.

2022 Archbishop’s
Annual Appeal Prayer
Heavenly Father,
humbly we come before You
knowing that all that we are and all that we have comes to us as a gift from You, our Creator and Redeemer.
We rejoice in the blessings You have bestowed upon us,
and we ask that You look kindly upon our Archdiocese and all the many people who dwell in it.
Open our eyes to see those in need of love and care. Open our ears to hear those who cry out in trouble and in need.
Open our hearts to comfort the anxious and the weary. What we have received from You as a gift
may we give as a gift to others
so that You may be glorified by the love
we show to them.
Gracious Father,
we pray that this year’s Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, Stronger Together,
will revitalize us as a family of faith
and be blessed with success to Your praise and glory.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.