Should You Sign Up for Leadership Formation Training in the Archdiocese?

 Applications are currently being accepted for a new crop of participants in the ELM Leadership Formation program. Applicants will be interviewed in October and November. The program will run from January 2020 through June 2021.

This program is being offered in English. It will also be offered for the first time in Spanish.

Leadership Formation is open to both new and experienced parish ministry lay leaders. Components of the program include: a mix of eight online and in-person courses provided through the Notre Dame STEP curriculum and the Catholic Biblical School in Bloomfield; three community-building Formation Days; three written reflections; a ministerial mentor as an advisor; and a certificate of completion.

Six core courses cover an introduction to the Catholic faith, the Bible in the Catholic tradition, ecclesiology, liturgy, Catholic Social Teaching, and the intercultural Church plus two electives of the participant’s choice. Optional “Coffee and Conversation” gatherings and Evenings of Reflection at the Pastoral Center in Bloomfield will be added in 2020.

Tuition for the first cohort of ELM Leadership Formation students was funded through a grant from the Hartford Bishops’ Foundation.

To apply for the English ELM Leadership Formation program, contact Nicole Perone at 860-242-5573 ext. 2677 or email

To apply for the Spanish program, Hispanic lay ministers should contact Anna Maria Alstrum at 860-242-5573 ext. 2672 or email

For more information, visit