Update on Church Capacity Limits
Reverend Francis Patrick Johnson, Class of 1960, died Saturday, March 6, 2021. We extend our deepest sympathy to Fr. Johnson’s family and friends at this time of loss and offer them our prayerful support. The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair will be the principal celebrant at a Mass of Christian Burial at the Church of St. Helena, 30 Echo [...]
During the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy in 2015-2016, Pope Francis began a personal initiative of celebrating “Mercy Fridays,” in which he would engage in specific corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Making visits to locations such as public housing projects, a center for Alzheimer’s patients, the newborn section of a hospital, an institute [...]
Standing outside of Corpus Christi Church, Mary Jane Densmore, left, and Nora Uricchio, right, display one of 500 personal care and goodie bags their team from Christ the King Parish in Wethersfield created for homeless individuals. The bags will be distributed through ImmaCare outreach in Hartford. (Photo by Shelley Wolf/Archdiocese of [...]
Reverend John Joseph Daly, Class of 1958, died Friday, February 26, 2021. We extend our deepest sympathy to Fr. Daly’s loved ones at this time of loss and offer them our prayerful support. The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair will be the principal celebrant at a Mass of Christian Burial at the Chapel of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center, 467 [...]
Archbishop Leonard P. Blair The Lenten season always challenges us to step back and take stock of our lives in light of the two admonitions we heard when we receive ashes on Ash Wednesday: “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return” and “Repent and believe in the Gospel.” [...]
The Blessed Sacrament appears daily in the rectory window of All Saints – Todos los Santos Parish in Waterbury. The rectory parking lot is located on the campus of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, where parishioners are welcome to park and pray in their cars for eucharistic adoration. Photo by Aaron Joseph/Archdiocese of Hartford [...]
Reverend George G. Laliberte, ordained for the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament in 1956 and incardinated into the Archdiocese of Hartford in 1980, died Tuesday, February 9, 2021. We extend our deepest sympathy to Fr. Laliberte’s family and friends at this time of loss and offer them our prayerful support. The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair will [...]