Valerie Mara appointed superintendent of schools as Archdiocese announces formation of ‘Center for Catholic Education & Formation’

Archbishop Leonard P. Blair announced today the appointment of Valerie Mara as Superintendent of the Archdiocese’s Catholic schools. Mrs. Mara has held the post of interim superintendent since February and previously served as Adjunct to the Vicar for Education, Research, and Policy. “For the past six months, Mrs. Mara has led our schools admirably, [...]

2021-09-01T14:57:24-04:00September 1st, 2021|

USCCB’s Vote to Write a Document on the Meaning of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church

Together with the great majority of bishops, Archbishop Blair voted yes, not for the misrepresentation that has been presented in some quarters, but for drafting a document on the truth, beauty, and goodness of the Eucharist in post-pandemic times. Below please find a letter from Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of [...]

2021-06-22T12:00:45-04:00June 22nd, 2021|

An Archdiocesan Mercy Friday

During the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy in 2015-2016, Pope Francis began a personal initiative of celebrating “Mercy Fridays,” in which he would engage in specific corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Making visits to locations such as public housing projects, a center for Alzheimer’s patients, the newborn section of a hospital, an institute [...]

2021-03-05T15:08:10-05:00March 5th, 2021|