Working closely with the Archbishop, the Office for Ministry Enrichment for Priests has as its mission the promotion of ongoing education and formation of priests on a multiplicity of levels: spiritual, intellectual, pastoral and personal. The primary operative principle undergirding the work of the Office for Ministry Enrichment for Priests is that priestly formation is a life-long process that must and should continue long after the completion of seminary formation and long after ordination.

What the Office Does
Encourages priests to further their formation in a holistic way.
Arranges for several annual clergy study days on various topics, often suggested by the priests themselves.
Plans and conducts the Annual Convocation for Priests, usually held early in the fall.
Plans and arranges for two afternoons of reflection for priests, one in Advent, the other in Lent, at which the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation is made available.
Provides guidance and information to priests inquiring about ongoing formation programs and activities
Arranges for the remuneration of expenses incurred by priests in conjunction with ongoing priestly formation in accordance with published guidelines
Assists in the planning of the annual priests’ retreat, usually held in November of each year.
Assists priests planning sabbaticals.

Vacant, Director of the Office for Ministry Enrichment for Priests

Committee Members: Msgr. Michael Motta, Reverend Kevin Cavanaugh, Reverend Michael Dolan, Reverend Stuart Pinette, Reverend Thomas Sas and Reverend Thomas Shepard.

To contact the Office for Ministry Enrichment for Priests:

Director of the Office for Ministry Enrichment for Priests
Telephone: 860-242-5573
Fax: 860- 561-0552