Saint Brother André Pilgrimage, Hartford

Cathedral of Saint Joseph 140 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, CT

The program schedule begins with a presentation about Saint Brother André which will take place one half-hour before the scheduled Mass time. After the Eucharistic Liturgy, there will be time for personal veneration of the relic and anointing with St. Joseph’s Oil. Monday, April 8 Saint Joseph Cathedral, 140 Farmington Ave., Hartford 12:10 p.m. Mass, [...]

Saint Brother André Pilgrimage, Waterbury

Basilica of the Immaculate Conception 74 West Main Street, Waterbury, CT

The program schedule begins with a presentation about Saint Brother André which will take place one half-hour before the scheduled Mass time. After the Eucharistic Liturgy, there will be time for personal veneration of the relic and anointing with St. Joseph’s Oil. Tuesday, April 9, Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, 74 West Main Street, Waterbury, [...]

Saint Brother André Pilgrimage, West Haven

St. Louis Church 80 Bull HIll Lane, West Haven, CT

The program schedule begins with a presentation about Saint Brother André which will take place one half-hour before the scheduled Mass time. After the Eucharistic Liturgy, there will be time for personal veneration of the relic and anointing with St. Joseph’s Oil. Wednesday, April 10 St. John XXIII Parish at St. Louis Church, 89 Bull [...]

Saint Brother André Pilgrimage, Milford

St. Mary Church, Milford 70 Gulf Street, Milford, CT

The program schedule begins with a presentation about Saint Brother André which will take place one half-hour before the scheduled Mass time. After the Eucharistic Liturgy, there will be time for personal veneration of the relic and anointing with St. Joseph’s Oil. Thursday, April 11 Precious Blood Parish at St Mary’s Church, 70 Gulf Street [...]

Saint Brother André Pilgrimage, New Haven

St. Joseph Church - New Haven 129 Edwards Street, New Haven, CT

The program schedule begins with a presentation about Saint Brother André which will take place one half-hour before the scheduled Mass time. After the Eucharistic Liturgy, there will be time for personal veneration of the relic and anointing with St. Joseph’s Oil. Friday, April 12 Blessed Michael McGivney Parish at St. Joseph’s Church, 129 Edwards [...]

The Mysteries of the Shroud of Turin Program

Albertus Magnus College Behan Community Room on the Hubert Campus Center 700 Prospect St, New Haven, CT

On April 13, the New England Catholic Biblical School invites you to join Shroud of Turin experts: Dr. Cheryl White and Father Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D, as they discuss the theological, historical, scientific and forensic issues surrounding a cloth that bears the mysterious image of a man who has been scourged, crucified, capped with thorns, [...]

Hike at Burr Pond State Park

Burr Pond State Park 384 Burr Mountain Road, Torrington, CT

The next hike of the St. John Paul II hiking group will be held on Sunday, April 14 at 1:30 pm at Burr Pond State Park, 384 Burr Mountain Road, Torrington. It is a fairly flat hike around the Pond, approximately 2.5 - 3 miles. Remember, you do not have to RSVP if you are [...]