When You Believe Youth Choir Christmas Concert
St. Mary Church New Britain 544 Main Street, New Britain, CT
Cellist Thirzah Bendokas in Concert
Thomaston Opera House 158 Main Street, Thomaston, CTCelebrating Christ and the Holy Family at Christmas Honoring Fr. Michael J. McGivney, Thomaston priest.
Handel’s Messiah “Song for Ukraine”
Our Lady of Sorrows 79 New Park Ave, Hartford, Connecticut
Commemoration of Saint Bakhita Prayer and Reflection Vigil against Human Trafficking
St. Elizabeth Seton Church 280 Brook St, Rocky Hill, CT
Courage Support Group
Date: Thursday, Feb. 9 at 7 p.m. Courage International is a Catholic network of confidential support groups for men and women who experience same-sex attraction and seek to live chaste lives in Christ. For meeting locations and additional information, contact Fr. Chaplain at: (Phone #860-224-2411) or (fr.gutierrez@aohct.org). The website for Courage International is couragerc.org.
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Beer Tasting & Cocktail Reception
Aqua Turf Club 556 Mulberry St, Plantsville, CTPlease RSVP at aohforms.com/beertasting
Anti-Asian Racism: Myths, Stereotypes and Catholic Social Teaching
Online - ZoomTitle: Anti-Asian Racism: Myths, Stereotypes, and Catholic Social Teaching; A Conversation with the Author, Rev. Joseph Cheah OSM Date: Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 7:00 PM Location: Virtual Webinar Advanced Registration is required: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HjeTayIsTqqc6nmYvKpCkQ Free and open to all. The conversation with Rev. Joseph Cheah OSM will center on his book by the [...]
Courage Support Group
Courage Support Group – March 2023 Date: Thursday, March 9, at 7 p.m. Courage International is a Catholic network of confidential support groups for men and women who experience same-sex attraction and seek to live chaste lives in Christ. For meeting locations and additional information, contact Fr. Chaplain at: (Phone #860-839-6690) or (fr.gutierrez@aohct.org). The website for Courage International is [...]