Courage and EnCourage Support Groups – January 2022

Courage:         Wed. January 5th at 7 p.m. EnCourage:     Wed. January 19th at 7 p.m. Courage International is a Catholic network of confidential support groups for men and women who experience same-sex attraction and seek to live chaste lives in Christ. Courage International also sponsors separate confidential support groups (called “EnCourage”) for those who [...]

New Day Bereavement Workshop In-person

The Southington Catholic Parishes will be offering an in-person bereavement workshop. This workshop is for those who are in the earlier stages of grief, and it consists of 10 facilitated meetings. The first meeting will begin Thursday, January 6 at 6:30 PM. Registration is required. To enroll, or for more information, contact the parish office [...]

Courage and EnCourage Support Groups – January 2022

Courage:         Wed. January 5th at 7 p.m. EnCourage:     Wed. January 19th at 7 p.m. Courage International is a Catholic network of confidential support groups for men and women who experience same-sex attraction and seek to live chaste lives in Christ. Courage International also sponsors separate confidential support groups (called “EnCourage”) for those who [...]

The ABCs of Annulment

St. Margaret Church - Madison 24 Academy Street, Madison, CT

Father Philip Schulze, Pastor of Saint Margaret Parish, 24 Academy Street, Madison, Connecticut, in collaboration with Father George Mukuka, the Judicial Vicar of the Metropolitan Tribunal in Bloomfield, Connecticut, will host “The ABCs of Annulment” on Saturday of January 22nd,  2022, from 10 am to 12:00 pm, in the Church Hall at the address above. [...]


Deadline to Register: Zoom New Day Bereavement Program

Online - Zoom

Those who are grieving the death of a loved one need to proactively work through their grief. One way that may be helpful is to participate in the bereavement support group called the New Day Program. This program consists of ten two-hour weekly meetings. During each meeting, participants work through one component of the grieving [...]


Deadline to Register: In Person New Day Bereavement Program

St. Thomas the Apostle Church Hall 733 Oxford Road Route 67, Oxford, CT

Those who are grieving the death of a loved one need to proactively work through their grief. One way that may be helpful is to participate in the bereavement support group called the New Day Program. This program consists of ten two-hour weekly meetings. During each meeting, participants work through one component of the grieving [...]


Care for Caregivers Monthly Support Group Meeting

St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Center 733 Oxford Road, Oxford, CT

In order to care for a loved one, you need to care for yourself. Easier said than done, or is it? A caregiver faces many challenges; emotional, physical, and financial. Come to the monthly caregiver support group and talk with others who are facing some of the same challenges you are facing. Need more information? [...]

Adult Confirmation, Spring 2022

The Southington Catholic Parishes will be offering a preparation process for Adult Confirmation. The process will include 6 to 10 facilitated meetings, and the spring 2022 group is being formed. The first meeting should begin Tuesday, February 8 in anticipation of Confirmation being celebrated at the Cathedral in May 2022. For more information and to [...]