Story by Joe Pisani

Do you believe in Christmas miracles? If you don’t, you’re not looking hard enough. Not that you have to look all that hard. Most of the time they’re right in front of your nose, but we don’t recognize them because we’re too busy staring at our cellphones or TVs.

At Christmas, absolutely nobody gives better gifts than Jesus. My experience has been there’s something for everyone, and they arrive when we least expect them but when we most need them, during the weeks leading up to Christmas morning.

To be clear, he doesn’t give Starbucks gift cards or subscriptions to Vogue or memberships to Planet Fitness. No, his gifts are graces, and you’ll recognize them when you get them because they’ll fill you with an inexpressible joy — a joy that no one will be able to take away. And years later, the memory will continue to uplift you because you’ll realize you occupy a special place in the Prince of Peace’s heart, a place reserved for you and only you.

You’ll also realize that he’s thinking about you all the time, which may cause you to wonder, “How can the Person who has the whole world in his hands take the time to think about me?” That’s just the way it is and has always been, but we’re usually too distracted to appreciate our inheritance as children of God.

Once Advent rolls around, I start waiting in anticipation because I know wonderful things will be coming my way. Then, I start making a list of every grace I receive, and by Christmas I’m astounded at the results.

Also be assured that if you’re kind, generous and compassionate, it will come back to you in ways you least expect at this time of year, with far more than you deserve, just because that’s the kind of gift-giver Jesus is. He’s never outdone in generosity.

You can also be sure he’ll give you what we need because he knows what you need better than anyone else, including yourself … but don’t necessarily expect to win Powerball.

To prepare yourself for the gifts Jesus will give, say this simple prayer every morning: “Lord, let me recognize your personal love for me today in my life.” Then, at night while you’re lying in bed, review your day and look for evidence of his love. The results will quickly be apparent.

Do you remember the disappointment you had as a kid when you didn’t get what you wanted? To tell the truth, I still have that sensation, probably because I always want more, but when I get it, the satisfaction is fleeting. We’ve all had that experience because we live in a society that believes possessions, popularity and prestige are the secrets to happiness and self-fulfillment. That’s a tough mindset to overcome.

However, in recent years, once I realized Jesus is an incomparable gift-giver, I’m more excited thinking about what he’ll give me than what my family or friends will. So while you’re lying in bed, thinking about your day and worrying about the day ahead, review everything that happened. When you do, you’ll discover Jesus is sending you gifts.

Maybe your son text-messaged you after weeks of ignoring you. Maybe you were discouraged by something that happened at work and then got a call from an old friend you hadn’t talked to in years, who brightened your day. Maybe the ShopRite checkout girl smiled at you. Or maybe a bird landed on your window sill and started singing.

Maybe your mechanic gave you a break on a costly car repair. Or maybe someone sent you a Mass card for Christmas with a kind note. Maybe you were driving, when suddenly Nat King Cole came on the radio, singing, “O Holy Night” and your heart was filled with irrepressible joy over the birth of the Savior. Or maybe you were looking through old photos and found one of you and your family and were overcome with gratitude for the life you’ve had, despite the suffering and challenges. Or just maybe, you went to Eucharistic adoration and your son agreed to go with you … and later gave you that Apple Watch you’ve wanted.

Once you recognize these gifts as graces from Jesus, your joy will be complete. So don’t forget to say thank you.