The Diaconate Office of the Archdiocese of Hartford is appointed by and represents the Archbishop in all matters of the Diaconate. Under the guidance of the Archbishop, through the Moderator of the Curia, the Office is administered by the Director of the Diaconate Program.
Director of the Diaconate Program
Pre-Ordination Formation
The Director is responsible for all phases of the application and selection processes of candidates for the diaconate. Subsequently, it is the responsibility of the Director to see to the spiritual, pastoral and academic preparation of the men who are admitted into the Program. The Director also selects and supervises those who are to instruct the candidates in the academic program. Likewise, the Director engages Spiritual Directors for the individual candidates and arranges for pastoral ministry assignments.

Post-Ordination Life and Ministry
The Director is responsible for the post-ordination life and ministry of the deacons of the Archdiocese. He oversees the operation of the office, ensures the implementation of national and local policies and acts as the liaison to the Conference of Deacons as well as to regional, national and international diaconate organizations. The Director arranges annual retreats and conferences, and provides for the continuing formation of the deacons.
It is the responsibility of the Director to appoint deans for each diaconal deanery and to meet with them, individually and/or as a group, to ensure that the needs of the deacons are being met and any situations can be addressed in a timely fashion. He also assists the Coordinator of the Wives Program who is the person responsible for spiritual, ministerial and support activities of the wives of the candidates, the ordained deacons and the widows of deacons.

Office of the Diaconate
467 Bloomfield Avenue
Bloomfield, CT 06002
Diaconate Formation ext 2662
Permanent Diaconate ext 3150