Office of Safe Environment
467 Bloomfield Ave.
Bloomfield, CT 06002
860-548-9062 (fax)
Ginamarie Garabedian, Director of Safe Environment
Theresa Hatfield, Background Check Coordinator
Victim Assistance Coordinator
Faith Vos Winkel, MSW
467 Bloomfield Ave.
Bloomfield, CT 06002
860-548-9062 (fax)
Training Programs and Background Checks
Sexual Abuse Awareness Training for Children and Teens
Click here for the Empowering God’s Children® Program Brochure
For more information regarding the trainings and the dates they will be presented to students attending parish religious formation programs or attending a Parish or Diocesan Catholic School, please contact the DRE at your parish or Principal at the school.
Haga clic aquí para ver el folleto del Programa Empoderando a los Niños de Dios®
Para obtener más información sobre las capacitaciones y las fechas en que se impartirán a los estudiantes que asisten a los programas de formación religiosa parroquial o asisten a una escuela católica parroquial o diocesana, comuníquese con el DRE de su parroquia o con el director de la escuela.
Opt-Out Forms
If you do not wish for your child to attend the Empowering God’s Children Program when it is offered at your parish or school, please complete this Opt-Out Form and return it to your DRE or Principal.
Si no desea que su hijo asista al Programa Empoderando a los Niños de Dios cuando se ofrece en su parroquia o escuela, complete este Formulario de Exclusión y devuélvaselo a su DRE o Principal.
Background Check Request Form for Employees and Volunteers
Click here for Background Check Request Form
Haga clic aquí para obtener el formulario de solicitud de verificación de antecedentes
(Employees in any Parish Catholic School or Diocesan Catholic School must submit a Fingerprint Background Check. Please see your principal for additional information).
Office of Safe Environment Handbook
Office of Safe Environment Handbook
Manual de la Oficina de Ambiente Seguro
(Includes the Policies and Procedures for the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Adults and the Code of Ministerial Behavior for Personnel of the Archdiocese of Hartford)
Acknowledgement Page of Receipt, Review and Understanding of the Safe Environment Handbook (1 page only)